VR Display

BEST VR – DisplayS

Best Image Quality

High-quality displays are key in every VR headset. As the name virtual “reality” makes clear, the goal of VR is to make the viewer believe that whatever they are looking at is “real”. To get as close to reality as possible, expensive displays like microOLED are used. As an alternative to keep prices in an acceptable range, many headset suppliers choose to use low-quality displays.

The good news is, that such trade-offs are not necessary anymore! VitreaLab has developed a breakthrough display technology that can reach even better quality compared to microOLED but at significantly lower costs.

Our solution consists of a high-resolution LCD panel illuminated with a Quantum Light Chip (QLC). The thousands of highly collimated laser beams leaving the Quantum Light Chip are reflected on a vibrating surface. This so-called despeckler eliminates the typical artifacts of laser-based images due to the coherence of the laser light.

The reflected and not any more coherent laser light propagates back through the Quantum Light Chip and a diffuser, finally illuminating the LCD panel evenly from the back. As a result, the image created by the LCD is of exceptionally high quality. Read more about our VR technology and how we pass the visual Turing test.

Highest Quality



High brightness is important to let bright objects appear real, for example, a lamp looks bright in VR. We can achieve more than 10,000 nits to the eye at a 10% duty cycle.


In a good VR display shadows look really dark. This can only be achieved with a high contrast ratio. Our concept allows contrasting ratios of more than 100,000:1.


The color quality of a VR headset is good when skin tones are displayed accurately. The wavelengths of the laser diodes used make a color gamut of >99% of Rec.2020 possible.


When the pixel density of the display becomes larger than the resolution of the retina in the eye, no more pixels can be seen. LCD panels can provide >60 pixels per degree.


A larger field of view (FOV) leads to a better immersive experience, that’s why we provide a large FOV in our VR display.


The high efficiency of the laser diodes and the optical path in the display guarantee a long battery lifetime.


The narrow bandwidth of the laser light opens up a full new set of possibilities for light weight flat lenses.


The solution concept solves the vergence-accommodation conflict and therefore avoids dizziness.

More technical specifications and a detailed analysis of all the advantages of the VR backlight technology of VitreaLab are addressed in several of our blog posts on medium.com. They provide deep technical insight into VR displays and what really matters to deliver exceptional image quality. We recommend to have a look at the following two articles:

Test it and See for yourself

VR Demo Unit

A demo suitcase showing our VR backlight technology is available. The demonstration unit includes four sets of RGB laser diodes coupled with fibers to the Quantum Light Chip. With 80×80 laser beams per color (there are in total 19,200 collimated laser beams) it illuminates an active area of about 17.6mm2.

The active despeckler unit reduces the coherence of the laser light and illuminates the back side of an LCD panel. Finally, an excellent, high-quality image is created with over 10,000 nits! Request a demonstration and see for yourself.